
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Today's Dog By Guy Gilchrist January 31, 2010

Thank you for the ...truly...amazing... hundreds ...of Birthday wishes! I will try and say thank you to each one of you...but, GOLLY! It might take a week!
Also, I understand that the amount of folks over at Villains Corner, the other night for that radio/webcast was through the roof! So cool. We wound up doing about 2 and 1/2 hours.
 Really fun. If you would like to download Parts 1 and 2 and listen whenever you want, go to my website (in the links on the side) and click on NANCY Comics. I put them both there for you anytime you want them. Also, visit and listen to all their shows. Those guys are fun.
I can't tell you how happy I am that you have embraced the new cartoon so quickly! Why didn't I think of this sooner????

 We have  almost 1600 friends on Facebook at Today's Dog in just  over one  week! Please sign up for the email feed, or click on the RSS or Twitter feeds and subscribe.
 We ask that you subscribe because our readership is how we will eventually build our following, and hopefully, a revenue stream. I f you have any trouble signing up or getting your feeds, etc, let us know.

 We have been asked by quite a few Animal Rescue Groups to be involved in supporting them with our art, and hearts, and we are so happy to get involved!



  1. Hey there, Mr. Gilchrist! I was one of the regulars there on the Villain's Corner the other night, but I'd had a long day and couldn't stay long. When Roy told me it was the artist for the comic strip Nancy, I thought it was some new thing, didn't realize it was an artist carrying on the Bushmiller tradition. :D
    Did an article on the interview for with a link to the podcast and your website at Gilchrist Studios.

    Kudos to your involvement. My partner's been manager of our local animal shelter for almost 20 years, and we use Petfinder, too. :)

  2. Hi, Thanks so much! Please, call me Guy. That was a lot of fun! thanks for the article. I hope folks enjoy NANCY for years to come, since i don't plan on bowing out anytime soon....and that they discover Today's Dog! I'm really enjoying doing this, too. I posted a link here and on FB to your article. Again, thanks! If you ever want to do an article on me and the new feature, let me know. See you in the Funny Papers....

  3. I'd be honored to, Guy! Thanks for keeping Nancy alive! :)
