
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Today's Dog By Guy Gilchrist January 27, 2010

Here's a Golf Dog.
 I can't tell you how many times Buddy, my dog, or Sandy before him, would smell a snack in my Golfbag.

Thanks so much for stopping in the new Blogsite.
I am so, so happy about how much support the cartoon has received ! We have  about 1400 friends on Facebook at Today's Dog in just  one week! Please sign up for the email feed, or click on the RSS or Twitter feeds and subscribe. We ask that you subscribe because our readership is how we will eventually build our following, and hopefully, a revenue stream.

 We have been asked by quite a few Animal Rescue Groups to be involved in supporting them with our art, and hearts, and we are so happy to get involved! This Cartoon started just last week. Man. I feel so blessed. I'll tell you about what is going on where asap.

 Thanks to Sherry at AndersonWebDesign for all her hard work....and my agent, Bruce Butterfield for all of his! And the biggest thanks to you, and our dogs, of course! Heck! This strip writes it's self. Or...the dogs write it. However that goes....
We're building a Store at if you have a chance, drop us a line and let us know your favorite Today's Dog Cartoons, and what product you'd like to see them on for gifting. You can find us at
Yeah. I know. One mug so far. i'm workin' on it.
I hope you'll tell your friends about this website. Here's to my dogs, your and laughs.

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