
Monday, April 12, 2010

Fw: Guy's First FULL Length Album! Website Exclusive! 14 tracks! 9 Dollars! Christmas CD FREE!

--- On Mon, 4/12/10, Guy Gilchrist <> wrote:

From: Guy Gilchrist <>
Subject: Guy's First FULL Length Album! Website Exclusive! 14 tracks! 9 Dollars! Christmas CD FREE!
To:,,, "advertising" <>,, "Ahren Paulson" <>, "Aimee" <>, "Akino Fukawa" <>, "Al Bigley" <>, "Al Geddes" <>, "Alan Gardner" <>, "Alan Basch" <>, "Alane Powell" <>, "Albert Luciano" <>, "Aldo Vallera" <>, "Alex Karvelis" <>, "Alex Cullen" <>, "Alex Tregaskis" <>, "Alex Senetcky" <>, "Alex Murphy" <>, "Alex Gurin" <>, "Alex George" <>, "Alexander Sedor" <>, "Alice Kuiper" <>
Date: Monday, April 12, 2010, 11:45 PM

Guy Gilchrist
New songs y'all been asking for! They are up and discounted for you only at MY site. The actual CD will be  ready for CMA Music Fest...but the exclusive download is ready now! Angel in Black, Swamp Love, and  two more new ones...Victoria's Secret, Don't Need You, Jim Beam Me Up, Scotty....all of  Guy's songs  on one 9 dollar download! and click on the songs button, or, the album cover! First 30 download customers also get a free autographed Christmas CD delivered free to your home!
Simply send along your address, to our email, and if you're one of the first thirty, it's yours FREE! I've been working hard on the rest of this album for months and months....and I am really happy with how the new songs turned out. I think we really have our own sound. We tried ANGEL IN BLACK, and SWAMP LOVE out last week on Nashville audiences, and the response was such that we put these songs up for download right away.You can preview each song before you purchase them, too.
Thank you for all your support. It means more than I have words to express.